One Compostable Coffee Pod - Three Quick & Easy Alternative Culinary Ideas

One idea leads seamlessly to three recipes – adding chocolate & coffee is always a strong foundation from which to start!

1) Mocha shot 

Break 25g of milk chocolate and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds. Repeat until the chocolate is malleable and soft. Deploy 30-second bursts to help prevent the chocolate from getting too hot and splitting.

Use a Roar Gill Bold capsule [obviously!] and press the short button once. As the shot pours, mix with a fork and serve.

If you're feeling fancy, you could grate chocolate over the top – or chocolate and nutmeg. 


- 25g milk chocolate

- A [40ml] shot of strong coffee using one Roar Gill Bold capsule.

- Time Prep 2mins


2) Espresso Chocolate Sauce

Possibly the easiest chocolate sauce in the world.

Method - Same as the mocha process - break chocolate in a glass, but this time also add 10ml of milk, cream or almond milk. 10 second bursts in the microwave - this stops the milk boiling over.

Stir as you add the Roar Gill Bold Capsule.

Perfect with a shortbread biscuit or anytime a chocolate sauce is needed. Full proof and quick!

 Ingredients per glass

- 50g chocolate

- 10ml of cream /milk/almond milk

- A [40ml] shot of strong coffee using one Roar Gill Bold capsule.

- Time Prep 4mins


3) Espresso Chocolate Pots.

Follow the chocolate sauce recipe above, then leave to set in the fridge for 2-4 hours, add fruit and serve.

Can be made in advance to take the hassle out of your dinner party.

Ingredients per glass

- 50g chocolate

- 10ml of cream /milk/almond milk

- A [40ml] shot of strong coffee using one Roar Gill Bold capsule.

- Time Prep 5mins. Plus 2-4 hours for cooling.

 Once you have the mastered this recipe, it's time to play: you could make this recipe with white chocolate, honey, mixed spice, rum or liquor!

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